If you are falling short on money for whatever reason and your payment is due to your lender, the very best thing you can do is contact your lender immediately. Instead of avoiding the problem and hoping it will resolve itself you should try to be proactive and speak with your lender about your payment options.
Anytime you miss a payment to your lender it can be reported on your credit report. This can lead to the lowering of your credit score which is something you want to avoid. Also, your lender may charge you a missed payment fee or increase your interest rate if you fail to pay on time.
However, when you contact your lender to discuss your finanical situation, they may be willing to help you. This will enable you to avoid fees and other financial hardships.
Are you needing emergency funds? If so, consider applying for a short term loan, such as a payday loan and get the money you need in 24 hours.
Apply for your payday loan now!