If you are thinking about applying for a cash loan, such as a payday loan or even a cash advance, you may be wondering if the loan will adversely impact your credit rating. You should know that when you fill out an application for a loan with ConnectedCommunities, your application will not hurt your credit rating.
How is this possible? Simple, our network of trusted lenders does not perform a credit check when determining whether or not you get approved for your loan. Due to the fact that your credit is not checked, your credit rating remains intact. This also means that even if you have little credit or even bad credit, you may get approved for a loan when you apply.
In order to ensure that your credit rating remains in good standing, it is important that you do not default on your loan. This is the only situation that may affect your credit rating when you utilized ConnectedCommunities.
Ready to get the cash you need right away? Complete our online cash loan application now!